Sovereign Manifestor

Contrary to what you’ve been taught, you GET to design your life to be what you want it to be. YOU actually are in charge of your reality.

Yea right, Dani… how?

There are universal laws at play here, but the basics are this…

  1. Get really clear on who you are and what you want.

  2. Fully believe (without a doubt) that what you want is possible.

  3. Take aligned action steps towards the goals, while also allowing for the universe to offer up opportunities and guidance along the way.

Sounds pretty simple right? The problem is we let our ego, our limiting beliefs, our false stories we’ve learned in our lifetime hold us back from taking these steps.

You may have been told “Money doesn’t grow on trees.”
”We can’t have nice things.”
”You aren’t good enough for that.”
”You’ll never amount to anything.”
Or any variation of - you aren’t enough - for whatever it is you want.

We let these thoughts take control. So we stop believing, let the doubt creep in, stay inside the comfort zone, and tell the universe that what we want isn’t for us.

It’s time to stop letting these very false beliefs win.
It’s time to step into your true power.
You truly are a Sovereign Manifestor.
You just need to step into this sovereignty and use it to fuel you forward into your dreams.

Sovereign Manifestor

You have the power to design your life the way you desire it to be. 

✨You are a powerful, sovereign being. 

✨You get to decide. All you have to is ask. 

During this 30 Day Program, you will:

  • Receive Daily Support from your Spiritual Healer and Coach, Dani Leggett

  • Receive Journal Prompts to grow your Manifesting Power

  • Create your Manifesting Habits 

  • Learn about Human Design

  • Learn about the Energy Behind Manifesting

  • Learn about Numerology 

This program will take place inside Anchor | Haven, our spiritual education membership. A new video lesson will be posted daily for you to watch. Access the Q&A section to ask for support on your journey.

Join us inside Anchor | Haven to access Sovereign Manifestor and the other educational programs waiting for you there.

Sacred Money Codes and Sovereign Manifestor both begin on 3/3! Inner Alchemy is already waiting for you there. Three transformative programs for only $99/month.